Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 2 - A Taste of the USA

Korea VS Greece
Argentina VS Nigeria
England VS USA

Things were pretty quiet on the social front leading up to the World Cup. Then, it seemed out of nowhere, I received 8 invitations to do things on the opening weekend and only one invitation was World Cup related. After watching an exciting game between Nigeria and Argentina that had me standing on my couch yelling at the TV at one point in time, I was off to watch England VS USA. Once the game was done it was BBQ time. I know, I know. BBQing at friend’s place shouldn’t count for my Taste of the World Cup but it’s the one and only day I have planned like this.

Since I don’t have much to say on the food front today let’s talk about the annoying buzz in the stadiums. That sound you hear is the vuvuzela, an annoying plastic horn that the South African fans use. A lot of players, coaches and journalists wanted the thing banned from the tournament. Clearly that didn’t happen. It wasn’t really bothering me until three friends complained about it at the end of day 2. I’m sure I will forget about it again very soon. I better forget about it or else this will be a long painful World Cup.


  1. Agreed, the horns gota go!!!When i first started watch'n the world cup, i thought there was something wrong with my t.v!! It sounds like a bee hive, i couldnt imagine paying a load of money to get to the w.c only to have to sit next to a bunch of annoying horns!

  2. Let me know when you decide to eat Korean. We can go together!

  3. Since the BBQ was very much burger/sausage centric, it definitely qualified for the "Taste of the USA" day :)

    As far as the vuvuzela's go, they are definitely annoying once the novelty wears off. I actually believe the poor quality of football is partly because of that. Anybody who plays soccer at any decent level knows that without the ability to verbally communicate on the field quickly becomes a guessing game when it comes to making runs or planning an attacking move...
