Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 14 - A Taste of Chile

Paraguay VS New Zealand
Slovakia VS Italy
Cameroon VS Netherlands
Denmark VS Japan

Today I have some side ramblings. Hopefully you find them interesting.

You will notice, of the eight teams playing today, I didn’t pick any of them. I’ve already had a taste of New Zealand, Italy and Japan. Denmark is like Netherlands and is known for their pastries so I’d only be able to get dessert from them. (There is a Danish pastry place on Pape. Someone just told me about a potential Dutch place called Quince. I’ll have to investigate.) I could not find any restaurants for Paraguay, Slovakia or Cameroon. (I’ve been to Czehoski and they are Czech anyway, therefore I chose to discount them.) So I decided to get two things done during my two and a half hour lunch break. I’d stop off and get some Chilean food at Kensington Market and swing by Canada Computers to get an $8 adapter I required to “enhance” my computing experience.

On my way to Kensington market, I needed to cross University Ave. When I reached it, there was a G20 protest passing through. I got there at the end of it. There were dozens of police officers on their bikes keeping the pedestrians and motorists out of the way of the “parade” and there were about 20 or so unmarked minivans of various colours filled with police officers that were following the protesters. I understand the purpose of having that many police offers on the scene (we don’t need another protest marching onto the Gardener again) but what an easy day on the job! I wonder what they do to fill their time aside for making jokes with the traffic cops.

Back to the food. I headed up Augusta Ave and managed to walk right past Jumbo Empanadas. (Okay, I’ve been there before but I needed to eat somewhere!) So I continued to Canada Computers (side story below) and then returned back to Jumbo Empanadas. I think they changed their patio since the last time I was there. The place now has large Chilean signs in Chilean colours instead of the green signs I remember and new wooden fencing around the patio.

I ordered a Chilean salad, a cheese empanada, a small beef empanada (instead of a jumbo) and an Inca Kola.

The salad seemed to have a little cilantro in the dressing. Yummy! There were chunks of avocado, slices of tomato and thin strips of onion.

The empanadas are great with the salsa but they never give you enough. I should just ask for a bowl of it the next time I go.

The Inca Kola tastes like a cross between cream soda and something bubble gum flavoured. Strangely, I like it. I still had some left in my can when I got home and poured it into one of my blue glasses. I was surprised by the colour so I poured it into a clear glass to take a picture. It looks like Mountain Dew. I wonder if it has a lot of caffeine in it too.

On my way home, I walked past Dundas Square, or Toronto Life Square as it is now called. As I passed, I heard a man over a loud speaker saying, “… if you see someone that you think might be a terrorist, be sure to report them to the proper authorities. Terrorist behaviour can include, dressing like a hippie, not shopping at ‘typical’ locations, being unemployed….” It’s going to be an interesting weekend!

Now for my side story. I needed a DVI to VGA adapter. I walked into Canada Computers and checked out all the cables hanging on the wall; nothing. I went to the counter and asked about the adapter. The woman started digging through a box and couldn’t find it. The guy standing beside here digs through the same box, doesn’t find it and says, “Sorry, we don’t have it in stock” and is ready to send me away. I reply, “You had 6 in stock last night.”, and gave him the product number. Only then does he check his computer to see that they do indeed have some in stock. So he digs through another box and finds it.

You know what, when I go to a specialty store I expect them to know more than I do. The last thing I should have to do is tell them when they do or don’t have things in stock. I was at Canada Computers a month before the World Cup and another guy told me something completely wrong about another device I was looking at. Although I got what I went for today, I really want a DVI splitter to DVI and VGA. When I asked them about it, they of course said it doesn’t exist. Idiots! It does too!

At home, I hooked up the adapter to my computer and, *fist pump*, I now have a 46 inch monitor for my computer. Once I get the splitter I’ll have an excellent dual monitor setup! Why aren’t I using an HDMI cable to connect my TV to my computer you ask? Because my computer is 4 years old and the video card doesn’t have an HDMI output. There are a number of things on my computer that I need to upgrade so I might as well just get a new computer. Maybe I’ll do that next year.

Now, I think I will watch my favourite movie on my computer with my 46 inch monitor! I guess I better keep my old 20 inch TV. I can use it to watch the 6 channels I’ll get after I cancel my cable.

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