Monday, June 13, 2011

A Taste of Greece

On one of the nice days last week I went looking for a patio around Yonge and Bloor. I knew exactly where I wanted to go. Too bad it was closed for a private event. I ended up taking a wander down Cumberland and as I suspected all the patios were overflowing. I continued my walk to Yonge Street and headed North where I found the empty patio of Mykonos. I've never been one to follow the herd but I do get a little wary when nearby restaurants are overflowing while what seems like a good location is practically empty. But then I remembered most people are weird and will walk out of a good place if no other patrons are there. I'm not one of those people.

The front wall of the restaurant completely opened up onto the patio so I took the table meant for two right in the middle of the opening. Close enough to people eating inside but not so far out that the pedestrians passing by would be looking at me funny (or ogling my food when I got it).

If you haven't guessed, Mykonos is Greek (and after Googling Mykonos images I think I might want to take a vacation there!). I read through the menu and for a brief minute considered ordering something I wouldn't normally order, but who was I kidding. I was going to get souvlaki!

After placing my order I started reading my book. Three people showed up and took a seat on the edge of the patio. They seemed to be regulars based on the way the waiter greeted them. I continued to read when suddenly I heard a splash and felt some droplets of water hit my arm. I looked to the empty table on my left and it was as if someone had just dumped a bucket of water on it. The waiter showed up just then with my drink. We both started examining the roofline, part of which I was conveniently sitting under. As he stepped away to get a better look, I picked up by bag and my drink and stepped away to the next table out. "I think this table will be safer", I explained. Neither one of use knew where the water had come from at that moment. I just knew I didn't want a second occurrence of it to land on my head.

A short while after, my meal arrived. It looked fantastic! The waiter asked me if I wanted some fresh pepper, so of course I said yes. I then learned a couple of things; that I have quick reflexes with my eyelids and never to order fresh pepper when you are on a patio with a breeze while sitting downwind from the grinder.

I only had my iPhone with me and took a picture with it. I'll pretend I'm a food critic for two seconds. The colour of the steamed vegetables livened up what would have been a standard dish. The flavour of the souvlaki was perfect and I can't remember the last time I tasted Greek potatoes that good! Okay, I'm done pretending. Maybe I ate at too many food court Greek restaurants in the past couple of years or maybe they are just that good but whatever the reason, I definitely enjoyed it.

While eating my meal another load of water splashed onto the same empty table. This time one of the men in the back of the restaurant went to investigate. A few minutes later he was on the roof with one of those giant squeegees and cleared off the remaining water. It had rained earlier in the day and some water had apparently accumulated in an area under renovation. After a job well done the man relaxed with the regulars on the patio.

Some more regulars showed up on the patio as I ate and some others went inside. I couldn't come up with any good reasons why the place might not be more popular. The interior of the restaurant looked good. Empty patio, splashing water and pepper in my face aside, I thought this was a pretty good place and worth a second visit. If I'm craving Greek and don't want to head down the Danforth then this is a great option.

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