Thursday, April 5, 2012

A Taste of the Sea at Buster's Sea Cove

It took me a while to warm up to St. Lawrence Market to buy food from and even longer to buy a ready to eat meal.  I'm actually still warming up to the restaurant part of the market and today was a day to give it another go.  At the South end of the main floor are quite a few seafood vendors and nestled in the back corner is a seafood restaurant, Buster's Sea Cove.  I decided to give it a try.

There isn't a lot of space to order or eat.  It's one of those places that you can easily wonder how to find the end of the line if they get busy.  Thankfully they actually had a guy outside the booth assisting with the line and submitting your order while you wait to get to the cashier.  Once you've paid you just listen for your number to be called then try to find somewhere to sit.  There are only a few tables available.  The rest of the seating are bar stools.  I found a stool at the counter and tried to get comfortable which is hard when there is no place to put your jacket. My seat was the empty stool in the picture below.

I had ordered the grilled salmon with salad.  I was a little surprised by the long skinny piece of salmon I got but it was a decent thickness so I'm hoping that the looks were deceiving.  There was no arguing that it had fantastic flavour.  I really liked it.  The coleslaw and salad with house dressing were both good as well.  I can't remember the last time I order a salmon salad (which was basically what that was) but the next time I see someone eating one at a restaurant I will have to take note of the salmon portion size to see how it compares.

While I was eating, the guy that was assisting the line was occasionally submitting orders.  Since I was seated right at the counter I could hear everything loud and clear and it kind of made me feel like I was at a fun fair.  You know, those guys that have the microphones and speakers in their game booths announcing things and trying to draw a crowd.  That sort of thing.

One other  thing that I noticed was their bottles of vinegar.  They use spray bottles.  I don't recall if I have ever seen that before but either way I liked the idea.  It makes it so much easier to get your fries and fish covered in the vinegar rather than ending up with a pool of vinegar at the bottom of the food container.

I may want to go back sometime and try their grilled calamari.  I heard a number of people ordering that, however, I just noticed they have clam strips on the menu.  I haven't had those in ages!  I'll probably go back and get some of those. (In case you are wondering, those are curly fries and onion rings listed under the cups on the menu below.)


  1. That looks like a lot of fun! Were people pretty social, or was it fairly typical heads-down Toronto xenophobia all around?

    1. People seemed friendly enough when I was looking for a seat but I was kind of heads-down after that.
